What better way to start out the new year but with a fresh new blog look? I decided to update the look of the blog today and I am really happy with. It feels clean, simple a lot more my style. Thank you shabbyblogs and cutest blog around the block for inspiration and clip art!
Also, I decided to change up my book ratings. I had a huge list of ratings from 1 to 10, without any type of cute graphics or fun stuff. I decided to cut out some of the varying degrees of ratings and make a graphic! Now I have letter grades - with an "!" (!!!) being the best in show to a "U" (ugh.) at the bottom of the totem pole.
Now I am off to finish reading my current book so I can review it using my nifty new scale. Hope you guys like it!
Love the new look and the rating system! :)
Thank you! I am glad you like it. :)
Love the new look!
I like it! Nice and clean.
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