Having been able to participate in
Armchair BEA last week (which was awesome!) I came to realize that the majority of book bloggers blog for fun and/or personal fulfillment. So that brings me to wonder, where does everyone find the
TIME?! I know that a lot of us have careers, attend school full-time/part-time, and/or have children and families that fill up our days. Yet we manage to find the time to read
ginormous amounts of books and blog about them. I personally think that is awesome, but I am also curious to know where everyone manage to squeeze in their reading and blogging time. I have a horrendously long work commute each weekday on the train. I am on the train (or waiting for the train) for about three hours every day, so I manage to get a lot of reading done then. I also read when my husband is busy watching one of his shows (currently he is fixated on Prison Break) or when he is in school (he's getting his MBA!). I try not to let reading take over my life, and I work hard to balance my hobby (
cough*addiction*cough) with all of the other wonderful things in my life. As for my blogging - honestly most of this happens during the day at work. Horrible, but true. I am on a computer
all day and taking a couple of minutes to post a blog doesn't really detract from what I am doing. I am a big multi-tasker. However, being on the computer all day also means that by the time I get home I am sick of being online and I usually don't blog much in the evenings or the weekends.
How about you? Where do you squeeze in time for reading and blogging?
I'm going through a transition and finding it difficult to find time.
When I was in school, I blogged all day while I was in class or at work (I know...I sound like a slacker), but I didn't have much time to read. I only read before bed.
Now, I definitely can't blog during my full-time internship so I am having a difficult time fitting it in, but I have more time to read on my one hour commute.
Great question.
I "read" on my commute. Were it not for audio books I would be a lot more profane during the drive to and from work. I also read while waiting for people to show up to meetings, before I go to bed, at lunch breaks, etc. And I like you, I admit to take a few minutes to post on my book blog while at work. It helps that Quirky Girls Read is a group blog and the individual posts are spaced out. Hurts also because I'm always getting new books to read from those ladies!!
Izzybella (quirky girls read)
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