Random nuggets of knowledge from the panel:
- Beth Revis was inspired to write ATU by the twist at the end and it built from there. Sci-fi was not her first idea- they originally started out on a cruise ship!
- Andrea Cremer let us know that Rift and Rise are prequels to Nightshade and are coming out soon! In them you will learn more on the history of the Guardians.
- Marie Lu told us the American Dictator in the Legend is named after her boyfriend!
- Jessica Spotswood does not have Cate's passion for gardening. She has a black-thumb and her longest living plant only lasted a couple of years!
- They all agreed that YA is not really a genre set for a particular age group, but more of a style of storytelling - with a fast pace and coming of age characters going through changes and development.
- Beth Revis told us that a lot of the victims in her novels are students from the high school she taught at! A lot of them begged to be 'killed off' in her second novel. So fun!
- Andrea Cremer said the character she is most like in her novels is Calla's younger brother!
- Marie Lu went really in depth with her character bios! She even created her characters' blood types: Day is Type O and June is Type AB!
- Jessica Spotswood's favorite parts to write are the romance parts - but her novel is 'light' on romance because of the time period. Just showing off an ankle or bit of neck is provocative! ;)
- They all believe in being true to the story and to the characters they create.
All four of these ladies did a great job speaking and it was really fun to meet them and get our books signed! They are all welcome to come back to Dallas anytime.
Look at all of my new precious'!! So pretty.

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